• Becoming a member:
    • Boundaries: As outlined in our bylaws the area served by the society in the Pinehurst community is established in the following boundaries: The shoreline of Lake Erie creating the Western Boundary, All of Dover Road creating the Northern Boundary, The intersection of Dover Road and Old Lakeshore Road shall be the northernmost boundary for Old Lakeshore Road and will be bounded by this intersection, as there is no property of concern immediately adjacent and to the north of this intersection. All of Ainslee Lane and all of Hewson Road forming the Southern Boundary. The intersection of Ainslee Lane and Old Lakeshore Road shall be the southernmost boundary for Old Lakeshore Road and will be bounded by the property numbered 5789 Old Lakeshore Road, which is included in said boundary. The westbound side of New York State Highway Route 5 – Lakeshore Road to the East.


2No residential or commercial property with an address of New York State Highway Route 5 – Lakeshore Road are included in this boundary.

  • Initial Membership: The initiation fee will be voted on by the Board of Directors each year at the concluding meeting to determine said fee for prospective members joining during the next calendar year
  • Yearly Beach Dues: The annual dues will be voted on by the Board of Directors each year at the concluding meeting to determine said dues for members in good standing
  • The Treasurer will be the contact person for initial membership, annual dues, and all beach keys. Please contact via our website contact link.