• Always lock the gate: All association members or guests should bring and keep the gate key on them at all times. Lock the gate after you enter, keep the gate locked while you are on the beach, always lock the gate when you leave.
  • Families with Teenagers: Underage Drinking is prohibited! Please, enforce these rules to prevent loss of membership.
  • Trash on beach: All trash must be taken out when you leave. Town of Hamburg law forbids ANY glass on beaches within the township. Excess liter can be placed in the trash containers at the base of the stairs or at the entrance.
  • Fires on the beach: Do not burn wet wood, bring wood/charcoal, fire must be small, contained, and attended at all times. Do not burn cans, cups, garbage in fire. Refrain from having fires when windy, or during a county advisory. Fire must be completely extinguished before leaving!
  • Friends and Guests: Access and use of the beach is for society members. Friends and guest are always welcome when invited by a member.
  • Politeness and respect: Pets and children should always be supervised. Always control and clean up after your pets. Use appropriate behavior and language around other members. No unnecessary and unreasonably loud or disturbing noise at any time.