Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes


Call to order

Hannah Walters called to order the AGM meeting at 12:00 pm on September 24, 2017 at the Pinehurst Beach Entrance.

Roll call

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Vito and Lauren Lorenzi, Leona Rockwood, Karen Korkuc, Deb Pound, Jon Walters, Hannah Walters, David Capaccio, Scott Handschumaker, Kristen & Eric David, John Duengfelder, David Rousseau, Edward Regan, Jen Freese, Peter VanDenbergh, Leo Pszeniczny

Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)

Treasury Report (Jon Walters) $7987.57, 88 members, growth of 7 households since 2016. Taxes $2.63 paid. Insurance $752.20. Path $8324, picnic table/bench $1200

Meeting Summation

Annual dues, due 6/24/17. PayPal now charges $1.00 convenience fee for utilizing their services for payment. It was unanimously voted to raise the dues to $31.00 annually.

Reviewed new website: From the website you will be able to view our mission statement, see who the current board members are, review meeting minutes, newsletters, information on how to become a member, pay your yearly dues through PayPal, view the bylaws, beach rules, and all of our contact information.

Leona and Hannah to get sign for gate with updated contact information, website, email.

Meeting minutes reviewed from 5/13: path washing away and Vito working with contracting through Oliveri instruction; path widened, drainage, foot bridge, crushed limestone installed – voted unanimously. Water coming in from the road which is why the drainage was installed at the entrance to the beach. There was an 18 in pipe installed under foot bridge.

Lighting down path was discussed at length, quotes were obtained grid vs. solar. We also looked into having a pole and meter isntalled. Due to concern of expense, introducing unwanted intruders, and concern of budget for replacement stairs this matter was tabled. Michael Suffoletto offered to keep the garage motion light on to help illuminate the path at night.

Teenage parties on the beach are prohibited, and it everyone is encouraged to call the police for any disturbances with activity on or going down to the beach. Police have a key to get down to the beach. Karen is in the process of talking with an attorney to see what we can do to help protect the society.

Installation of privacy fence – quotes were obtained, but tabled due to expense and budget.

Rob landscaping – trimming path, and keeping brush cut back. Per Jon, Rob has the contract.

The 2017/2018 beach rules were unanimously voted to remain the same.

The 2017/2018 executive board was unanimously voted to remain the same. Karen Korkuc and President, Anne Park as vice president, Hannah Walters as secretary, and Jon Walters as Treasurer.


Hannah Walters adjourned the meeting at 12:36pm

Minutes submitted by:  Hannah Walters