Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes


Call to order

Karen Korkuc called to order the Quarterly meeting at 8:09 am on May 13, 2017 at Leona Rockwood’s house.

Roll call

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Vito Lorenzi, Anne Park, Leona Rockwood, Karen Korkuc, Deb Pound, Jon Walters, Hannah Walters, David Capaccio, Michael Suffoletto.

Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)

Treasury Report (Jon Walters)

Open issues

Path: Vito Lorenzi spoke with Oliveri construction and received an updated quote for crushed limestone instead of blacktop millings. $8324 for the crushed limestone because the land is pretty narrow making a more challenging project for the construction company. Due to the condition of the path with the approaching summer season, we need to get this project in motion as soon as possible. It was unanimously voted to have crushed limestone compacted with black top around the fence.

Drainage: Water was running from the road and moving towards the path which was causing the wash away of the stone. A bridge is being built with pavement going up to the bridge and a 3 inch step up. Under the step the water would flow under the bridge into a 15 inch diameter pipe, which would then drain into the creek. An open ditch was suggested for drainage which would be a cheaper cost, however it would turn the gravel area into an unusable area. Vito is looking into how the construction company requires payment, and will communicate with Jon Walters.

Sign: A new sign with contact information such as the website and email address was discussed. Leona was interested in helping with the sign. It was agreed upon to investigate pricing and deliver a quote before a decision was made.

Lighting: Deb Pound sent out quotes for installation of light, solar vs grid. The labor to install a pole and conduit from light to light was not included in the CIR quote, but Freight did. There is concern of vandalism and budget since the path is an immediate priority, due to its current condition. The motion light at the path and on the garage of the Suffoletto’s house was being considered again, and he was more than happy to keep those lights on to help illuminate the path. It was motioned to table the light discussion for a later date. It was unanimously voted to reimburse the Suffoletto family for keeping the light on to help illuminate the path.

Survey: Deb is going to get a quote to have the property surveyed.

New business

  • Stairs: Deb Pound contacted an engineer who is coming on the 19th to look at the stairs. We need to make sure that the stairs are secure and safe. We also need a professional opinion and someone to look into the structural integrity and the DEC guidelines. We also discussed obtaining a quote for a new set of stairs should the current stairs need replacing. We need to make sure that we keep a sufficient budget for a replacement set of stairs.
  • Fence: Deb Pound obtained a quote for a privacy fence along the Suffoletto property line. The vandalism and robbery happening at his house is cause for concern. Kids are trespassing on his property to get to the beach and taking patio furniture from his back porch. Mr. Suffoletto is going to add fencing to the back of his property line, and was interested in coordinating installation of his fence with us. We are going to table this idea until we can get some legal counsel regarding liability and trespassing.
  • Attorney: David suggested to look into an attorney regarding the concern of trespassers and underage drinking. Karen is going to look into an attorney who specializes in not for profit, to discuss our liability and insurance.
  • Paypal: When members utilize pay pal, it is charging us a $1.00 convenience fee. It was suggested to raise the membership fee to $31.00 to make up the difference.
  • Landscaping: A contract was sent to Jon for weekly landscaping. We are currently paying Rob $30/week to come and manicure the fence area of the path. It was determined that we would reevaluate the contract once the path and drainage area was completed.


Karen Korkuc adjourned the meeting at 8:56am

Minutes submitted by:  Hannah Walters