Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes




Call to order:

Leona Rockwood called to order the AGM at 12:01pm at The Pinehurst Beach Entrance.


Roll call:

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Jay & Skip Pease, Peter VanDenbergh, Leo & Marcia Pszeniczny, Linda Mucyn, Deb Povno, Scott Handschumaker, Anne Park, Hannah & Jon Walters, Dennis & Elaine Maloney, Don Burns, Karen Dingeldey, David Capaccio, Andy Barilec, David Rousseau.


Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)


Treasury Report (Jon Walters)


Open issues:

Annual Dues for 2016, letters will be mailed after 30 days late.


Website: David Rousseau is working on creating a website for the Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society. The Website will include all updated information, bylaws, rules, potentially a member list. The domain and creation of the website will cost between $300-$400. Currently they are still trying to figure a domain for

the website as there are some problems with availability.


Sign: David Rousseau is currently working with a friend who specializes in woodworking. Together they are making a wooden sign with a nautical theme for the fence with all contact information to include: name, email, & website. Website problems with the domain name with all information, currently working with a company to develop with a members only log in, bylaws, membership list $300-$400/year, Business cards, Newsletter.


New business:

Newsletter: Hannah Walters will be creating this year’s newsletter and mailing to all members after the AGM to include a summation of the AGM, rules, Updated Executive board members, and updated board of directors.


Lights: David Rousseau is currently working with RJR engineering consulting firm who finds the most cost effective way to install the lighting. A surveyor came to assess the property and the LED lights that we are talking about installing will have a plastic lens to prevent damage. They surveyor quoted a need for 3-4 posts that will illuminate the pathway to the beach at night. It is possible that we will not need an engineer which will significantly lower the cost. This is not being voted in as of yet as we are still in the planning phase gathering all information. This is being approached with a Budget conscious mindset as we are not for profit.


Business cards: The board had voted in ordering business cards with all contact information to be included in the newsletter. The business card will be mailed to all members of The Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society.


Voting of the Executive Board & Board of Directors – Leona Rockwood, President of the Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society and Ed Eggert, Vice President of the Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society both gave resignation from their current positions. Karen Korkuc was voted in as president, and Anne Park was voted in as vice president. Deb Pound & David Capaccio volunteered to be our 2 newest board members.


Beach Rules for 2016 was voted to remain the same as 2015.


Questions/Comments/Concerns –

Leona called regarding street light for the new telephone pole outside of the beach entrance to see if they ould install a street light. The town will not install another street light on Old Lake Shore and mailed a letter to Leona as follow up to her request.


Leo Pszeniczny offered to weld the chain and padlock to fence so it cannot be removed. This was voted in by all beach members and board members.


Deb Pound suggested that we use some of our funds to get a new Picnic table. David Rousseau offered to ask his friend who is making our sign, this was voted in by all beach members and board members.


Deb Pound requested a photo contest once the website is up and running since there have been bald eagles frequently flying over Lake View.



Leona Rockwood adjourned the meeting at 12:43pm


Minutes submitted by: Hannah Walters