Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

Karen Korkuc called to order the Quarterly meeting at 5:03pm on March 4, 2018 at Leona Rockwood’s house.

  1. Roll call

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Vito Lorenzi, Anne Park, Leona Rockwood, Karen Korkuc, Deb Pound, Jon Walters, Hannah Walters, David Russeau.

  • Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)
  1. Treasury Report (Jon Walters) $10,313.81 balance, $4057.92 deposits, $70 donation, 84 members, 4 members lost. County and town tax $2.69.
  2. Open issues
  3. The new path is washing away from the rain water. Deb had notice that the gutter from the Suffletto’s house pointing towards the path.
  4. A suggestion was made by a member to amend the current mission statement. There was concern that the statement did not reflect intentions of the society properly. The board reviewed the mission statement and was voted to remain the same, but to remove the word “to purchase”.
  5. A message was received from a member of Pinehurst Beach with concern of exposed rebar on the beach being a danger to members. Vito Lorenzi offered to take his tools down to the beach and dispose of the exposed rebar.
  6. New business
  7. Vito will be contacting Oliveri Construction to come and assess the property and make a decision on how to fix the water runoff.
  8. Hannah will email the website designer to have the mission statement changed to remove the words “to purchase”.
  9. Hannah to email the website designer to have the PayPal charge changed to $31.00 to include the $1.00 convenience charge that PayPal is deducting from each payment made.
  10. Karen Korkuc looked into legal representation and found attorneys, Hodgson Russ After contacting Hodgson RussLLP, who come highly recommended, their standard rate is $350 per hour with a $1000 retainer. Having an attorney on file will offer the society legal representation for counsel and expertise. It was motioned by Karen Korkuc to engage this law firm, and Leona Rockwood second this motion. It was unanimously voted to pursue this attorney for legal representation. Karen signed the application and provided to Jon Walters, who will be mailing the $1000 retainer and application to Hodgson Russ LLP. It was also suggested by Deb Pound to have one person voted on as the primary contact, to communicate, and question any future issues/concerns. Karen Korkuc motioned that the contact would be herself, Leona Rockwood second this motion, and this was unanimously voted yes.
  11. The Annual General Membership meeting was scheduled for June 23rd, 2018 at the Beach Entrance. Leona Rockwood offered her house for the rain date.
  12. Jon Walters voiced that he is looking to retire as treasurer. Hannah Walters will include this in the AGM invitation and membership due date memo. This will be decided and voted on at the AGM.
  13. Lakeview 150 year celebration. Deb Pound suggested that Pinehurst Beach Society show community support by sponsoring an ad in the Lakeview calendar. A Half Page sponsorship add is $40.00, and the board discussed submitting a half page add with a picture of the beach. Our logo will be added onto the ad after a vote is conducted by the board with all photo submissions. Hannah Walters will reach out to the community for any photo submission to be voted on. Deb Pound will be speaking with her neighbor, who is a photographer to help with additional photos of the beach. Once the board votes on a photo, Jon will mail in the application with the photo, and $40 check. The application is due by 4/21.
  • Adjournment

Karen Korkuc adjourned the meeting at 5:57pm

Minutes submitted by: Hannah Walters