Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2017 7:00 pm

Type of Meeting: Quarterly Meeting

Meeting Facilitator: Karen Korkuc

Invitees: Executive Board and Board of Directors

Attendees: Leona Rockwood, Vito Lorenzi, Karen Korkuc, Debora Pound. Quorum not attained, consequently this was an advisory , non-binding meeting.

I. Open issues

Lighting: Solar vs. Grid- Attendees Advised against.

  • Attendees agreed that for the cost to benefit lighting the path is not worth it. Lowest price was$9760 for grid connected lighting (plus monthly service bill)
  • Attendees discussed that any improvement of this type would be an invitation to vandalism of thesystem and thus an ongoing maintenance issue.
  • Attendees discussed the concept that lighting the path opens the Society to lawsuits; ie: ‘the lightingwas not good enough, therefore I fell’
    Path: Concrete vs. New gravel, drainage . Attendees Advise immediate action

• Vito presented a quote for a stepped concrete path at $6500 and a quote from Oliveri Development for a asphalt millings path with drainage for $7541.
• Discussion surrounded the fact that the path is currently washed out and dangerous.

  • Immediate action is required.
  • Placing more stone or pavement is not wise until drainage issue is addressed.
  • The NYSDEC requires a sketch of our proposed drainage solution before construction, Vito willsubmit it to them.
  • Attendees discussed Oliveri quote for asphalt millings (same material as shoulders on Old LakeShore Road). It was felt that this would wash out and attendees requested that Vito get an

    updated quote for a compacted crushed limestone only path with drainage before next meeting.

  • As the path is a danger Vito will post signs at both the gate and bottom of stairs reading‘Danger, Path Washed Out, Members Proceed at Own Risk’. He also will take dated photos of

    the signs in place.

  • As the path is an eminent danger it is important to proceed with repairs ASAP therefore anothermeeting with a quorum in attendance will be held (Wednesday May 10 at 7 at Leona’s) New ‘Society’ Sign- not discussed
  1. New business
    1. a)  Fence- tabled until new neighbor moves into 5714 Old Lake Shore as that is the neighbor most impacted by path traffic and should be consulted.
    2. b)  Issues brought up in e-mail chain and in meeting
      • As it seems difficult to get a quorum it was discussed whether electronic voting is allowed (ie: e-mail). Karen will consult current bylaws.
      • A property survey will be required if a fence is installed and for other improvements. Leona willconsult with neighbor’s estate to see who their surveyor was (that surveyor already has one of

        our property lines). Deb will contact that surveyor for a quote.

      • Our new bylaws were never reviewed by legal counsel. Karen will contact attorney(s)specializing in ‘not-for-profit organization’ law to get prices for bylaw review and general

        retainer. Also to review insurance coverage and board liability.

      • Vito expressed concern that the stair platform is in danger of blowing out due to uncontrolledwater and general wear and tear. Deb will contact engineers (civil/structural) to get prices to

        advise and design remediation for the situation.

      • Leona asked whether Rob would be mowing and trimming the property again this year.Apparently he charges $30 per mowing. It was agreed that this is a good value and should be


      • Deb expressed concern with the amount of money in the treasury (she feels too much). Leonapointed out that the balance will go down upon path repair. Deb pointed out that until the recent rains we had $16,000+ looking for a project instead of a real need to be addressed and that as of dues payment this month we will have an additional $2400 in the treasury. Karen stated that the lawyer could advise on how to maintain a reasonable cushion w/o accumulating an excessive balance.
  2. Voting of the board- NA no quorum
  3. Adjournment (Karen Korkuc)