Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

Hannah Walters called to order the quarterly meeting at 4:04 pm on September 9, 2018 at the beach entrance.

  1. Roll call

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Anne Park, Karen Korkuc, Deb Pound, Hannah Walters, Jen Freese, John Duegenfelder, David Rousseau

  • Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)
  1. Treasury Report by Deb Pound: $297 membership fees, Check for new post office key $12 for a total balance of $12,208.99.
  2. Open issues
  3. Vito Lorenzi was to follow up with Oliveri construction regarding the water damage to the path. Vito was not in attendance of this meeting, but Jon Walters did speak with them when they came to evaluate the property. Oliveri Construction wants to bury the down spouts on the Suffletto’s house. We will have to table this matter for a future meeting when Vito is in attendance.
  4. Korkuc to pose questions to attorney regarding bank account balance, Chairman of the Board requirements, liability if there is an injury on the property through Hodgson Russ
  5. There is a hole in the fence by the water pumping station. Member of the community are using this to gain access to the beach without paying for a membership. We did obtain quotes for a survey last year when we were discussing putting up a privacy fence on the property. We decided to table the matter, however it was discussed that the hole in the fence is on the Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society property. We need to get a survey done to determine whose property the fence resides.
  6. New business
  7. Voting of New Board of Directors members John Duegenfelder, and Jennifer Freese. Hannah Walters motioned to vote these members in, Deb Pound Second the motion, and all were in favor.
  8. Jen Freese offered to get a quote through her employer for a survey in regards to fixing the fence. She will need the address of the property, which doesn’t exist. Karen will reach out to Jennifer with the plot number.
  9. Leona posed a question regarding the landscaping. At one point we were having Rob’s Landscaping come to trim the property, Leona will follow up with him to come and take care of it by the end of the season.
  10. Leona inquired about someone coming to look at the stairs. Deb Pound did have a civil engineer assess the stairs, however she said it would be a $20,000-$30.000 project. We will need to have someone come to look at the stairs and provide a quote to reinforce the welding at the top of the stairs.
  11. It was a request by a new member to add something to the stairs for her pets to safely travel down as their paws fall through the steps. At this point in time, we cannot make adjustments to the stairs to accommodate pets.
  12. David Rousseau sold his house, and is building a house on Birchwood. He requested the board to consider him keeping his membership at his new house. He has been a member of Pinehurst Beach for 15 years, and is a board of directors member. It was unanimously voted to allow David to keep his membership, however Hannah Walters will look into the bylaws to see if the membership stays with the house, or if it can transfer with the family.
  13. Our next beach meeting will be scheduled at the end of January 2019
  • Adjournment

Hannah Walters adjourned the meeting at 4:32pm

Minutes submitted by: Hannah Walters