Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

Hannah Walters called to order the AGM at 12:02pm on June 23, 2018 at the beach entrance.

  1. Roll call

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Anne Park, Karen Korkuc, Deb Pound, Jon and Hannah Walters, Joy Rease, Doug Williams, Lynn Williams, Marcia and Leo Pszeniczny, Ron and Jen Freese, Scott Handschumaker

  • Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)
  1. Treasury Report (Jon Walters) $8751.60 balance, 2018 deposits not yet entered, $70 donation, 87 members, 4 members lost, 3 new members. County and town tax $2.69, insurance $752.21, $1000 attorney retainer fee, $228 big dawg web hosting.
  2. Open issues
  3. Vito Lorenzi was to follow up with Oliveri construction regarding the water damage to the path. Vito was not in attendance of this meeting, but Jon Walters did speak with them when they came to evaluate the property. Oliveri Construction wants to bury the down spouts on the Suffletto’s house. We will have to table this matter for a future meeting when Vito is in attendance.
  4. Korkuc looked into legal representation and found attorneys, Hodgson Russ After contacting Hodgson RussLLP. Having an attorney on file will offer the society legal representation for counsel and expertise. There are several questions regarding the society, such as how much funds should we keep in the bank account, injury on the property, etc.
  5. New business
  6. There is a hole in the fence by the water pumping station. Member of the community are using this to gain access to the beach without paying for a membership. We did obtain quotes for a survey last year when we were discussing putting up a privacy fence on the property. We decided to table the matter, however it was discussed that the hole in the fence is on the Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society property. We need to get a survey done to determine whose property the fence resides. Deb was going to review the quotes and contact a company to come out and survey the property.
  7. Jon Walters brought up concerns of members who are not paying their dues, do not answer their phones or emails. These members have lost their membership, but have not returned their key. Karen Korkuc suggested that we should vote on changing the lock and key every so often to avoid this issue. Once we have enough members not returning their key, this will be voted on.
  8. The society received a letter of concern regarding smoking of marijuana on the beach. Unfortunately, there is nothing that the society can do regarding this issue. Every member of the society is encouraged to call the policy anonymously when there is concern of disturbance, destruction, trespassing, or in this case smoking marijuana.
  9. Someone did go down to spray paint Spray paint on the rocks obscenities. Jon and Hannah Walters will be purchasing a can of grey spray paint, to cover up.
  10. Concern was expressed regarding members not cleaning up after their pets. Hannah Walters will put a reminder in the newsletter going out in August to clean up after yourselves, and animals.
  11. Jon Walters submitted a letter of resignation for his treasurer positions. Deb Pound office to take over as treasurer.
  12. Voting of the Executive Board & Board of Directors – Karen Korkuc as President, Anne Park as vice president, Deb Pound as Treasurer, and Hannah Walters as secretary.
  • Adjournment

Hannah Walters adjourned the meeting at 12:23m

Minutes submitted by: Hannah Walters