Pinehurst Beach Preservation Society, Inc.

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

Hannah Walters called to order the Quarterly meeting at 4:10 pm on March 18, 2017 at Leona Rockwood’s house.

  1. Roll call

All members in attendance signed in to the meeting, the following were present: Vito and Lauren Lorenzi, Leona Rockwood, Karen Korkuc, Deb Pound, Jon Walters, Hannah Walters, David Capaccio.

  • Reading of minutes of the preceding meeting (Hannah Walters)
  1. Treasury Report (Jon Walters)
  2. Open issues
  3. Sign: David Rousseau is currently working with a friend who specializes in woodworking. Together they are making a wooden sign with a nautical theme for the fence with all contact information to include: name, email, & website. Leona also proposed on a nice sign to have standing in the ground as opposed to hanging on the fence. David advised that his friend has already begun making a sign for the fence.
  4. Picnic Table: David Rousseau is currently working with a friend who specializes in woodworking. The picnic table is almost ready to be picked up, Vito offered to help transport the table.
  5. Lighting: David Rousseau was working on getting a quote through RJR engineering for light installation. David indicated that an engineer is not necessary, so he was going to work on getting a final quote to present at the specialty meeting on 5/6/17. Vito and Deb Pound offered to look into getting quotes on solar lighting to present at the specialty meeting on 5/6/17.

The board will review all quotes and vote on the best option for the society.

  1. New business
  2. Concrete path down to the beach was discussed with concern of a slippery surface, as well as drainage issues. Vito Lorenzi is going to get an estimate and present at the Specialty Meeting on 5/6/17.
  3. Ordering a bench for the top of the stairs was requested, and Hannah Walters said she would look into purchasing.
  4. AGM meeting was set for 6/24/17 at 12:00pm. Lauren Lorenzi offered to help with mailing the memos out.
  • Adjournment

Hannah Walters adjourned the meeting at 4:45pm

Minutes submitted by: Hannah Walters